Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wrapping Up the Summer in the U.S.

We’re now into our last phase of our summer break. After our time in NYC we flew to So. Cal. & spent time w/ my dad & our friends the Andersons. One of the best things about going to my dad’s is to visit all the thrift stores & load up for stuff we need for the following year. Over the last 5 months, my dad has been collecting educational DVD for my class. Then he & I went to check out a WWII air museum in Santa Ana named Lyon’s Air Museum. It was great because they had a bunch of Durenberger cars on special display. Later we caught up w/ our good friends, the Andersons. They we’re going through a major renovation at their home & it will be wonderful when it is completed.

Now we’re spending time in Modesto & San Jose. With most of the “work” portion of our summer break out of the way we’re spending time w/ family. The one thought that hit me when we spending time w/ family have been on the theme of growing old. I spent some great time w/ my father in Redondo Beach & yesterday we spent time w/ Eileen’s dad & his wife. The experience of growing old was evident in the interaction w/ our parents. For me, it was as if I was looking at my future self. The difficulties of aging gracefully were a reality that makes me write out these thoughts. Then there are nephews & nieces that span a wide range of years that reflect what were past life experiences for Eileen & me. Today is the day when many will go & worship the Ancient of Days. I will attend w/ many others & think about growing old & this odd title for God, the Ancient of Days. Somehow, I see the two intertwined in a manner that is very supportive for me in seeing each morning & evening. Soon it will be back to Shekou, Shenzhen, China for another busy school year; another year to live through, age gracefully, & live out another series of life experiences.

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International Brunch

International Brunch
Juliana from Brazil and Friends

Japanese Girls

East Indians


Trip to Kowloon

Trip to Kowloon
Hong Kong in Background

Group Shot in the Metro