Sunday, July 3, 2011

Back home in the Bay Area

Well we are back in the USA & it has been a wonderful two weeks with Eileen’s side of the family in San Jose & Modesto, CA. Besides eating very “American” foods we caught up with the time change & the lives of her family. The first couple of days we spent taking care of banking issues, junk mail, cell phones, & other personal business. It was amazing how much junk mail we got while away. I went through the pile & contacting publishers to take us off their mailing list. It was neat to see everyone & enjoy the surroundings. The two cities above seem like ghost towns compared to Shenzhen. People laughed at us when we said how clean the air was in San Jose. We went to Big Basin & Yosemite Park for one day trips. Those trips brought back such wonderful memories of what was once our home turf. Ah, it ain’t home anymore & the shape it is in is pretty bad. On the surface you wouldn’t notice anything bad but look & ask around, than you see the problems of a bad economy. Still a lot of “for lease” signs on industrial buildings & lay offs have become the norm. The attitude is pessimistic. Churches are just getting by w/ shrinking budgets. A few have house payments that are more then the worth of the home. Well, we are preparing for our NYC leg of this summer trip for the Reading & Writing Workshop at Columbia University’s Teacher’s College. Write more then.

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International Brunch

International Brunch
Juliana from Brazil and Friends

Japanese Girls

East Indians


Trip to Kowloon

Trip to Kowloon
Hong Kong in Background

Group Shot in the Metro