Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ready to go, almost

Well, we're almost ready to go. Last Thursday, the 22nd of June, the students left to begin summer holiday & we teachers left for ours the following day. As I headed back to pack up the apartment for the movers I dropped off my staff identification card into the trash can as symbolic gesture of moving on. What a freeing feeling. This past two weeks we've been saying good-bye so much that it has been tiresome. As you can see from the two photos our apartment looks like a warehouse but by Monday the 25th the shippers will pack up the rest & our place will be really empty. Then we jet out on Wednesday the 27th & live with what we carry for about the next 3 months. Our house hold goods should arrive in Saudi about the end of September. Write more later.

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International Brunch

International Brunch
Juliana from Brazil and Friends

Japanese Girls

East Indians


Trip to Kowloon

Trip to Kowloon
Hong Kong in Background

Group Shot in the Metro