Saturday, May 14, 2011

Zap 'em dead

With summer weather upon us the humidity has increased greatly along with the number of mosquitoes. Which brings on the small chance of getting some infection like dengue fever, yuck. So we armed ourselves with an electric mosquito swatter (which works on flies) & repellent decanters. The 1st item is about the size of a racket ball racket and the wire mesh is electrically charged to zap 'em dead. They work great if you can get to them pesky boogers. The bugs literally explode on contact even though the tough ones you have to zap twice or smash 'em while they're stunned. The decanters work well. The one pictured has a little light that disperses a liquid scent in a room that mosquitoes hate. I don't smell a thing. Outside I cover myself w/ bug repellent to be safe. Wait...I hear a buzzing noise.

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