Sunday, May 8, 2011

Beijing Opera a class

We had a great intimate Beijing Opera class just recently. A group called SACs (Shenzhen Asian Culture Society) hosted this special event in which several Beijing Opera students (9 to 11 year olds) with their teachers performed snippets of stories for a small group of us. It was really interesting because after a short performance they asked us to join them to learn the movements and explain the story line and purpose of the movement. The students were really talented and so cute! We also had two of China’s top performers who have since retired; a lady named Zhu Jin Ling and a man named Zhang Bao Zhi. They are now hosting their own opera schools. Enjoy the photos!

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International Brunch

International Brunch
Juliana from Brazil and Friends

Japanese Girls

East Indians


Trip to Kowloon

Trip to Kowloon
Hong Kong in Background

Group Shot in the Metro