Saturday, January 21, 2012

Off to Saudi Arabia, School Year 2012-13

Sorry for the late posting but Eileen & I were offered a gracious contract to teach with the International Schools Group in Saudi Arabia at the Dhahran Elementary/Middle School, while we attended the Bangkok job fair. The main reason we even got an interview, let alone the offer was due in part with knowing two great sets of teachers there, Eric & Jamie Brown & Jack & Coree Rundell. They paved the way for us & it came down to our interviewers asking Eric's opinion about us in which he gave his emphatic approval. So we're done with our China tour of duty & happy to moving on to a quality school. Eileen will be teaching 3rd grade & I'll be teaching 5th. We will join many from this school who have moved to that region of the world, some nearby. We consider ourselves greatly blessed. After our return we had two weeks of school where many teachers became sick with one thing or another, including Eileen, but now we have a week off for Chinese New Year. We're off to relax now that our future has been settled.

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International Brunch

International Brunch
Juliana from Brazil and Friends

Japanese Girls

East Indians


Trip to Kowloon

Trip to Kowloon
Hong Kong in Background

Group Shot in the Metro