Thursday, March 24, 2011

Construction Everywhere!

China's new national bird is the crane, the construction crane that is! Our part of the city is under massive construction overhaul. Shekou and it's port will be transformed into a fancy neighborhood of high rise buildings and other structures. This will take place over many years but the construction pollution is already getting on everyone's nerves. It seems everywhere you go, you are forced to take to the streets as sidewalks are torn up to update the infrastructure for these new buildings. Our school and surroundings will be replaced by newer bigger buildings. So in a couple of years, school admin hopes, the school will be in Chi Wan, Shenzhen, where the old port is now. The site is an old bicycle factory and all the four campuses will be under one roof. The entire area of Chi Wan will be flatten for this construction boom. So goes the rent! Nationals and expats agree that this is going to be an area out of our price range so those who can will look elsewhere to call home.

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International Brunch

International Brunch
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Trip to Kowloon

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