Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Beggers are Back

It is now March and I've noticed the increase numbers of the "begging community" in our neighborhood. This community is made up of truly poor people asking for handouts to con artists. It is hard to tell the difference. Well, their numbers have greatly increase as the weather has become warmer. They must be like snow birds in the winter and fly south to stay warm. They all have a strategy to hit up expats. They never, in my experience, ask a fellow national. Tonight I was accosted by one of the common strategies. A "mother" with her rather chubby well dressed child in her arms pulls on your arm for money and follows you for quite a distance. I've seen the "community" hang around my Shekou neighborhood because the area where I live (Sea World) is full of expats and the stores, shops, and restaurants that cater to expats. The "community" head for their homes sometime late at night. When I walk to school to set up my classroom, around 7:00am, they are not many around. This is one of number of problems living in this neighborhood. I expect the number of the "community" to grow rather large as the economic downturn is hitting this area rather hard. Til later!

1 comment:

mommyoflove3 said...

I read your Beggers post awhile ago and it reminded me so much of Hyde Park! Spring time comes and along with the sun comes the people begging for money. It can be frustrating sometimes! I noticed you haven't posted in awhile and I hope everything is alright! Praying for you...

International Brunch

International Brunch
Juliana from Brazil and Friends

Japanese Girls

East Indians


Trip to Kowloon

Trip to Kowloon
Hong Kong in Background

Group Shot in the Metro