Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy BD Pop!

Hi Pop! Just wishing you a happy birthday w/ this video. Love Tom & Eileen

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you all. We ended our semester at school & everyone was relieved. A flood of teachers left that Friday evening to head out of China to enjoy the holidays. We, for once, are sticking around & will leave on the morning of the 26th for Chiang Mai, Thailand for about a week & then head to Bangkok for the teacher's job fair or the shark frenzy. While I'm typing this out the apartment management to playing Christmas music & it is religious to boot; or real Christmas music. I don't know who recommended this to them but it sure is nice. We just finished visiting a friend from the church who just had a new addition to their family. Little Joel was a premature baby & things were not looking so good at first but thanks be to God everyone is okay. Back to the last days of school. Mentally, everyone was checked out so I dressed as Santa to celebrate the last day of school. I stuffed my backpack w/ a pillow & wore it front of me. I was sweating up a storm. It was fun. The photo of us in front of the tree is by Shekou Sea World Square. It was party time over there! People were just buzzing about. Our church just finished a series of Christmas concerts around town. Yup, here on the mainland the worship team put on 4 concerts. One of them was an out door concert at a popular shopping mall. Tomorrow we will have services & then people from our small group will gather at our small apartment for a catered turkey & dressing lunch. Yum! Oh, that photo of Eileen next to the student dressed as a soldier is some school we walked by & the school was putting on a play, cute huh? Well, love & peace to all. May Jesus bless you all greatly.

International Brunch

International Brunch
Juliana from Brazil and Friends

Japanese Girls

East Indians


Trip to Kowloon

Trip to Kowloon
Hong Kong in Background

Group Shot in the Metro