Friday, August 17, 2012
Almost to the Kingdom!
We’re near the end of our summer break having a great time with family & friends but struggling to get Eileen’s visa processed. The problem has to do with her diplomas from the two schools she attended, one for her undergraduate & the other for her teaching credential program. Since we are dealing with several organization to process the visa it has been frustrating. Mine was processed quickly because at least one of the schools I attended was part of some U.S. nation wide database of schools, thought not all the schools are in that database.
Unfortunately, Eileen’s visa will be processed after our scheduled departure date of the 22nd of August. I will have to leave without her which is a real bummer but at least she will be able to join me. There was a time we thought she may not able to & that was quickly dismissed when ISG stated that they wanted her there one way or another.
So attached is a photo of my visa. Eileen’s will look the same but she is far better looking. Soon I’ll be taking off for a very, very long trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with Eileen not to far behind. Write more later.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Ohana in Hawaii
Well, after a long flight we made to my sister's family in Oahu. We spent a wet 4th of July watching the fireworks out of Schofield Barracks, I worked on some of my sister's house project like changing toilet seats, played with my almost 3 year old grand-niece as well as my niece before we headed to the mainland to spend time with my father & Eileen's good friend in Southern California. It was nice to breath clean air & enjoy the things of home! In the mean time we took care of the paper work for our new visas to teach in Saudi Arabia & spent time with "ohana" which is Hawaiian for family.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Ready to go, almost
Well, we're almost ready to go. Last Thursday, the 22nd of June, the students left to begin summer holiday & we teachers left for ours the following day. As I headed back to pack up the apartment for the movers I dropped off my staff identification card into the trash can as symbolic gesture of moving on. What a freeing feeling. This past two weeks we've been saying good-bye so much that it has been tiresome. As you can see from the two photos our apartment looks like a warehouse but by Monday the 25th the shippers will pack up the rest & our place will be really empty. Then we jet out on Wednesday the 27th & live with what we carry for about the next 3 months. Our house hold goods should arrive in Saudi about the end of September. Write more later.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ending our 4th & final year.
Ah! We're almost done with our 4th & final school year here in Shenzhen, China. We are looking forward to moving on but first a nice time with family & friends state side this summer before our next adventure in the city of Dhahran of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There we will join our teaching friends we met here & I will be a 5th grade teacher & Eileen a 3rd grade teacher. We are so excited & happy to be part of the International Schools Groups. The photos are some of the field trips we took this past week. One more work week to go.
Malaysia 28 April to 4 May, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Houngzhou: 23-25 March, 2012
After the winter holidays we had a long stretch of school that ended with student lead conferences; by which time the students were sick of me & all my writing assignments. Well, awhile back, one of Eileen’s good friends, Jennifer, who grew up in Houngzhou, suggested we head up there some day & that was this past weekend.
Houngzhou has an ancient heritage & near by is Wen County, the “Venice of China.” So we, Eileen, Jennifer, Titi (Jennifer’s 7 year old son), & I boarded a plane for a two hour trip up north. Jennifer arranged it all. We we’re met by Jennifer’s new friend Maggie, who she met over the Internet. Man, it was wet & cold but we braved the elements & toured the famous West Lake with Jennifer’s father’s good friend, “Uncle Ping.” Uncle Ping is a 73-year-old man, full of vigor. He was kinda like our tour guide. For me, Tom, the things that impressed me most about that section of town were:
For a city of 2 million it was slower & cleaner (air quality & trash).
Not as many smokers but I did get my fair share of 2nd hand smoke.
Better since of history
Lots of money, some very expensive Western brands sold there.
Thank God, it didn’t rain while we toured the area!
Our hotel was rather unique. We arrived at this rather impressive twin tower building but the entire build is not a hotel, only certain floors. So on the 7th floor is a small office where your get your key and then your off to a certain floor in one of the towers.
The next day we went to Wen County, courtesy of Maggie’s driver & their very nice BMW. Yes, lots of money here. This area we went to has been rebuilt with the old city feel with canals running through it but without too much commercialism. You got a good sense of what it must have been like, say 100 years ago. It was a beautiful day & we really enjoyed the slow pace & not being crowded. That is one of the difficulties of going anywhere in China, the crowd.
The last day Uncle Ping took us to another part of Houngzhou where we toured a museum and another neighborhood that had the old buildings but full of modern day shops. With one last tour of West Lake we were off to the airport to head back to the hustle & smoke of Shenzhen.
Houngzhou has an ancient heritage & near by is Wen County, the “Venice of China.” So we, Eileen, Jennifer, Titi (Jennifer’s 7 year old son), & I boarded a plane for a two hour trip up north. Jennifer arranged it all. We we’re met by Jennifer’s new friend Maggie, who she met over the Internet. Man, it was wet & cold but we braved the elements & toured the famous West Lake with Jennifer’s father’s good friend, “Uncle Ping.” Uncle Ping is a 73-year-old man, full of vigor. He was kinda like our tour guide. For me, Tom, the things that impressed me most about that section of town were:
For a city of 2 million it was slower & cleaner (air quality & trash).
Not as many smokers but I did get my fair share of 2nd hand smoke.
Better since of history
Lots of money, some very expensive Western brands sold there.
Thank God, it didn’t rain while we toured the area!
Our hotel was rather unique. We arrived at this rather impressive twin tower building but the entire build is not a hotel, only certain floors. So on the 7th floor is a small office where your get your key and then your off to a certain floor in one of the towers.
The next day we went to Wen County, courtesy of Maggie’s driver & their very nice BMW. Yes, lots of money here. This area we went to has been rebuilt with the old city feel with canals running through it but without too much commercialism. You got a good sense of what it must have been like, say 100 years ago. It was a beautiful day & we really enjoyed the slow pace & not being crowded. That is one of the difficulties of going anywhere in China, the crowd.
The last day Uncle Ping took us to another part of Houngzhou where we toured a museum and another neighborhood that had the old buildings but full of modern day shops. With one last tour of West Lake we were off to the airport to head back to the hustle & smoke of Shenzhen.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
In the Philippines
We took holiday in Cebu, Philippines to avoid the Chinese New Year madness of Shenzhen. It was been a fine break with Eileen spending most of the time recovering from her terrible sinus infection & me getting sun burned to a crisp. I like my meat well done thank you. We took the ultra red eye flight out here as it was the only direct one available & checked into our very out of the way resort called Costabella Resort. To get here you drive about 20 minutes from the airport & see how most people live in the area & it is sobering. Our 1st room was not the best w/ ants hiking around the place & the toilet backing up. Also, it was missing some simple amenities so the management up graded us w/o cost when I brought it up to their attention. We took two trips out of our "compound" & realized, again, how spoiled we are. So tomorrow it is back to China & grind out the work & smog of the area. Oh, that last photo is NOT the plane on fire but the air conditioning prior to take off.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Off to Saudi Arabia, School Year 2012-13
Sorry for the late posting but Eileen & I were offered a gracious contract to teach with the International Schools Group in Saudi Arabia at the Dhahran Elementary/Middle School, while we attended the Bangkok job fair. The main reason we even got an interview, let alone the offer was due in part with knowing two great sets of teachers there, Eric & Jamie Brown & Jack & Coree Rundell. They paved the way for us & it came down to our interviewers asking Eric's opinion about us in which he gave his emphatic approval. So we're done with our China tour of duty & happy to moving on to a quality school. Eileen will be teaching 3rd grade & I'll be teaching 5th. We will join many from this school who have moved to that region of the world, some nearby. We consider ourselves greatly blessed. After our return we had two weeks of school where many teachers became sick with one thing or another, including Eileen, but now we have a week off for Chinese New Year. We're off to relax now that our future has been settled.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year 2012
I'm writing from the Kingdom of Thailand. Sounds impressive eh? It's been an okay place, Chiang Mai that is. Our hotel is out there & so we awake to the sounds of roosters, dogs, & cats that inform us all through the night & early in the day the local news. We also must be close to a local hang out as we hear live music until 1am. We forgot that the traditional beds are hard so my hips are sore. Oh, our bathroom to our suite doesn't have a roof! Yep, it is an outdoor bathroom equipped w/ a shower & jacuzzi tub, sink, etc. You go out there & see the stars. It really is odd. The tough part is bugs & leaves that collect there. Eileen filled up the tub to have a nice relaxing evening & when she turned on the jets out came all this dirt & ants that held up in there. Yuck! She took it well & now we stick w/ showers. The bugs haven't been too bad but I cover myself w/ bug spray often. Boy, don't I smell different! During the day it has been mid 80s & at night a nice chilly mid 60s. You have to drive hours to get any where. We did a day trip & spent 6.5 hours in the van to see only 90 minutes worth of sights. Whoa. So we saw the White Temple w/ modern art inside, actual entered the country of Laos, & visited the Karen tribe famous for the long neck ladies. They emigrated from Burma & settled in No. Thailand. The hard part for me was all the poverty, especially the children. That bothered me greatly. The food is good & the people have been very sweet & kind, at least outside the city. In the city the civility drops a bit w/ so many tourists running around. Last night we try to walk down "walking street" in the center of Chiang Mai. We never made it to the next block. It was packed! It is this way every Sunday & I’m guessing because it was the 1st of the year it was especially crowded. We went back the next day & it was empty. A lot of expats make Chiang Mai home, about 40 thousand. Most are into small business & charity organization or NGOs. It is the next largest city in the country or so I’m told & close to the famous Golden Triangle & beautiful mountain country. I believe the highest peak in Thailand is nearby at almost 2,600 meters. The land is very Buddhist & loyal to their king. I’ve added some quotes from his New Year address. I found them interesting & worth noting. Okay, write more from the job fair in Bangkok, about the 6th or 7th.
…live with consciousness, be mindful and brace for unwanted events in the future.
Suffering, threats and hindrances will come to our lives from time to time. Nobody always stays happy.
Remain mindful by being aware of what you think and do all the time.
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